These are pictures of Theo taken in Austria, Canada, the United States, and Switzerland from 2003 through 2008. (Jeff took most of the pictures.)
This is Theo in 2003 on the way up the mountains to the west of Achenkirch, on the Achensee in Tirol, Austria. We rested at this waterfall, which was not far from the standalone bellowing cow (for which there is a story for another time.)Further up the mountain above Achenkirch, we bumped into this German couple who were vacationing at a farm, working the animals in the morning and hiking in the afternoon. On our hike, they spotted some wild chamois/"gemsen" (goat-like antelopes - or antelope-like goats) and pointed them out to us. The Germans had long conversations with us in German, most of which we didn't understand, but that didn't slow them down any. A nice couple ....

Also in 2003, we visited Kitzbuehel, Austria and stayed at the Hotel Erika, an unusually architected, three level building that was painted a pleasing pinkish/orange color. We were invited by the hotel owner (Uschi is in the picture below with Theo) to join a group of other hotel guests for a mountain hike. We fell in love that day with hiking in the mountains. The hike involved taking a chairlift well up a mountain and then hiking across six or seven miles of mountain paths. On the chairlift, Theo held on for dear life while watching the Swiss woman in front of her doing casual calisthenics. We snacked at a hutte (mountain restaurant) and rested our feet in the stream you see in the picture.

This is Theo in 2004 carefully climbing down a rocky path from a hutte above Mayrhofen, in Tirol, Austria. This hike involved a bahn ride halfway up the mountain, then three hours of hiking up to the hutte - a good meal and some fun with several horses that kept trying to climb up on the hutte patio to eat the food of the hikers who were sitting there. The hike down was rugged. When we got down to our car, we discovered that Jeff had lost the keys, but there was a note on our car indicating who had found the keys and where they had been left.

Below are Jeff and Theo at the Krimmler Wasserfaelle, at Krimml, Austria in 2004. There are three major waterfalls that drop hundreds of feet. The hike up to the top took about an hour and a half (and the path was blocked for a while by a herd of semi-wild goats). Then we hiked another hour or so up a long ascending valley, eventually eating a good breakfast-like meal at a farmhouse in the valley.
The hike up was of medium difficulty and we were encouraged along the way by a Scotsman to "finish the climb to the top" for him, since he was part of a tour and had to return to the bus before reaching the top of the falls.

Here's Theo below Angel Glacier, south of Jasper. You don't see the glacier, but you can see the accumulated residue that had fallen below the glacier.

Theo and Jeff, with Lake Louise in the background.... Note the unique reflections in the water.

On one of our hikes down from the Blue Ridge Parkway, we came to this waterfall. A couple of youths from the Netherlands took this picture for us.

Just north of Dalen, Norway, we hiked up to this famous spot, which has a view that has apparently been the objective of many dignitaries over the years. There is a large display case a few yards to the right of where Theo is standing that describes some of those dignitaries and the situations that led to their being at this site.